Easy to watch
NicePlayer makes it easy to watch all of your favorite QuickTime movies and DVDs. You can easily double click on a window to toggle between full screen and normal window size. You can view the time remaining with a single click on the time display. The title bar and controller quickly disappear when you don't need them, get rid of unwanted distractions during your movie experience. But they're still available when you need them -- slide your cursor to where you would expect the controls to be and they quickly appear -- now that's nice!

The size you want, the parts you want
Quickly scrub through all sorts of media -- including DVDs. And NicePlayer supports live window resizing, so you can watch your movies at the size you want -- live resizing works on DVDs, too!

NicePlayer has support for playlists as well. Simply drag multiple files onto the dock icon, drag files into and existing player window-- NicePlayer will automatically play the next movie at the conclusion of the previous one.
NicePlayer now supports Applescript, so not only can you automate NicePlayers actions, but also so you write applescripts to link it with apps like Salling Clicker!

The way you want
Because no two people are made alike, NicePlayer lets you configure lots of options. From allowing you to automatically play movies when opened, to adjusting custom fast forward and rewind amounts.
NicePlayer lets you keep your priorities straight. Whether you want to keep your movie above all the other action happening on your desktop, or whether you want your other tasks to dominate, NicePlayer works with you.